井上信平東京芸術大学附属高校卒業後、バークリー音楽院やニューヨーク・マネス音楽院で学ぶ。その後NYで活動の場を広げる。91年より定期的に日本に戻り、公演やライブ、スタジオミュージシャンとして幅広いジャンルで活躍。94年アジアにも活動の範囲を広げる。97年CD「中村喜春&小唄メッセンジャーズ」をプロデュース。98年「スケッチブック」をリリース。2000年小野リサ全国ツアー、小柳ゆき、織田裕二、ゴンチチなどとのレコーディング等で、ArrangerProducerとして高い評価を得る。その年CD「First Take」をリリース。2001年、フルートの巨匠HERBIE MANNと の共演を実現させた「スケッチブックⅡ」をリリース。現在国内外を問わず多くのコンボに参加。国内及びNYなどで精力的な活動を続けている。 Shinpei InoueAfter graduating from the Tokyo Performing Arts University High School, Shinpei studied at the Berklee School of Music and New York’s Mannes College of Music. After concluding his studies, he performed widely in New York. Since returning to Japan in 1991, he has performed widely in many musical genres in concerts, jazz clubs, and recording sessions. From 1994 he has expanded his musical territory to include other Asian countries. In 1997 he produced the CD Yoshiharu Nakamura and Ko-uta Messengers, and in 1998 released his first solo CD Sketchbook. Shinpei toured Japan with bossa nova star Lisa Ono in 2000, and was highly acclaimed as a performer, arranger and producer for Yuki Koyanagi, Yuji Oda, and Gontiti. During the same year he released his solo CD First Take. His next CD, Sketchbook II, featuring master flutist Herbie Mann, was released in 2001. Shinpei continues to pursue an active performing career with many groups in Japan, New York, and throughout the world. |
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